How are we working
system, thanks to which it represents its
to clients profitable options for fast and high-quality
delivery throughout the World.
You get the consultation from highly qualified a specialist who is happy to will discuss with you all the details of the project.

At this stage:
- we make a full inspection of the premises / structure;
- take measurements;
- we fix the technical and geographical parameters of the object.
These measurements will allow in the future to make balanced project, avoid unnecessary risks and financial costs when installing structures.

and payment
The results of the audit of the object are transferred to the department design, where the modeling of the project begins.
When drawing up layouts, constructors spend comparison of available materials and based on external characteristics, price indicators and customer’s wishes choose the most suitable glazing options.
Payment is made on an individual basis each client in accordance with the compiled agreement.

The client is provided with a complete package of documentation: a commercial offer is received and conclusion of a contract.
These documents clearly state the price conditions, manufacturing regulations and are prescribed guarantees, after which the project is launched into production.
In all phases of production, it is strictly controlled quality and functionality of products, their compliance standards of GOST and SNiP are taken into account in advance location and features of the structure, in which there will be installed glass structures.

Windo has an extensive delivery company
the system through which it represents its own
customers profitable options fast and
quality delivery throughout the World and beyond
Delivery provider Pickup
More details about delivery terms
You can find out here.

If it is necessary, you can order additional implementation service installation.
Date and time will be agreed with the manager, after which the installation will be carry out.
More details about the installation procedure You can find out here.

For all products sold by Windo, the warranty covers from six months to 5 years.
Depending on the category and type of product clearly defined terms of warranty service.
More details about the conditions of the service service you can find out here.

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Сайт рыбатекст поможет дизайнеру, верстальщику, вебмастеру сгенерировать несколько абзацев более менее осмысленного текста рыбы на русском языке, а начинающему оратору отточить навык публичных выступлений в домашних условиях. При создании генератора мы использовали небезизвестный универсальный код речей. Текст генерируется абзацами случайным образом от двух до десяти предложений в абзаце, что позволяет сделать текст более привлекательным и живым для визуально-слухового восприятия.Сайт рыбатекст поможет дизайнеру, верстальщику, вебмастеру сгенерировать несколько абзацев более менее осмысленного текста рыбы на русском языке, а начинающему оратору отточить навык публичных выступлений в домашних условиях. При создании генератора мы использовали небезизвестный универсальный код речей. Текст генерируется абзацами случайным образом от двух до десяти предложений в абзаце, что позволяет сделать текст более привлекательным и живым для визуально-слухового восприятия.
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